Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Loving March…

IMG_6905So it is off-track time for 2 of the Goff girlies, which means instead of going to school like regular school aged school kids for the entire month of March, we can do exciting things like travel to exotic European markets for very fancy gourmet lunches of Swedish delicacies (ie: meatballs, we are soooo cosmopolitan) … IMG_6904

We’re going with the theme “the family that plays ‘let’s try to win a radio contest together’ stays together!!”  It’s a theme that may linger for a while-- we have yet to be the magic #20 caller, but what we do have is the very same thing that the female team on “Celebrity Apprentice” has, and that my friends is a little something called tenacity…well, that and the fact that there’s still 2 more weeks left to win, so there’s always hope.  Hope and tenacity, quite a pair…

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Miss Kylie is now officially 9 years old!!  The day started out with some potential March springyness, but as the jumbo snowflakes started falling and then kept on coming and coming, the birthday girl and her curly locks found it necessary to stay inside and add more layers of clothing.  Fortunately, Layered Reese’s Peanut Butter Cake (thanks, Picky Palate) tastes delightful in any weather…

IMG_6932 Our St. Patty’s Day green baby bundt cakes were tasty and fun (thanks again, Picky Palate!!), and eventually I’ll learn to get enough Pam spray into each individual nook and cranny of the pan to facilitate a smooth and complete baby bundt coming out of the baby bundt pan!!  (Just a little fyi—the jr. Goff’s could not have been less concerned with the lack of complete uniformity in the festive presentation of the dainty little cakes—frosting is truly a magic salve for semi-broken baby bundts.  For those playing along, that is now 4 uses of the uber-chic culinary term “baby bundt”…)


Then there’s Mr. Festive, himself, once again sporting his very best green ensemble!!  He has been so concerned that he needs to wear green that he has worn this little number to preschool for the past 3 times, just in case he had the wrong Irish holiday or the wrong date or the wrong whatever.  He’s all about being prepared and also, he likes green—it’s a win-win all the way around!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

This, the beginning of March…

One of the true highlights of 3rd grade is getting to take part in the wax museum!!  Miss Kylie was all about researching and then portraying the one and only Florence Nightengale…IMG_6858   IMG_6859 Kylie’s mom was all about channeling my inner-Julie Andrews channeling her inner Maria Von Trapp—while the skirt, apron, and cape came not from old/dowdy draperies, they did come from old and not-a-bit-dowdy sheets!!  (Gramma Bev would be impressed with the resourceful re-use of aged and torn bedding.  Kylie’s mom is continually impressed with Kylie’s good-sported nature…)

IMG_6878 We heart progress in the basement, not to mention the lifetime supply of heavy duty buckets…

IMG_6881 March, of course, equals snow…

IMG_6885 Cael, the “super pre-school kid of the week” could not have been more thrilled with the weatherly turn of events—“Mom!!  It’s not melted anymore!!” 


MORE progress in the basement—HOORAY!!  (Still waiting for Desi Jr. to show up with the projector that would fit right there in the ceiling, hmm, maybe??…)

IMG_6897And it is good for me to know that I am completely of super sound mind.  I do know that my girl, Kylie, is 8 right now, and that on her birthday she will indeed be 9.  I only got the first part of that thought on the calendar—it’s a good thing she straightened me out…