Saturday, October 31, 2009

This Our Tale of Halloween…

IMG_6198 So the last week of October started out with some of this…

IMG_6197 We had to get to Target in a hurry for snow boots that fit the ever-growing feet of a certain someone that REALLY digs the white stuff (and is totally ready for the Christmas Tree now because SNOW=CHRISTMAS TREE)…

IMG_6216 Gramma Jan came to town for a little stay and play—HOORAY!!  (Said Cael:  “Gramma Jan is nice-we don’t pinch her.”  It warms my heart to know that he has figured this out all on his own--the quality parenting is so paying off…) 

IMG_6235 Lucky Gram even got to come to the elementary school costume parade, as did Dad and the “no school today” jr. high crew…

IMG_6243Miss Kendell got to get wrapped up like a mummy during her class partay (all in the name of education)…



Cael has been telling me for at least 2 months:  “Mom, you can be da witch and Dad can be da ghost.”  He actually told Paul he could be either a ghost OR a pumpkin, and then Paul went with “none of the above”—what??IMG_6250 Taking it all in at the fantastic ward trunk-or-treat…

IMG_6188 Coach Paul and Offensive Lineman Curtis had their last game of the season this morning—to be completely accurate, this is actually how super tough they looked after last week’s win…

IMG_6256Coach Webb and Coach Paul after today’s game—to be completely accurate, uhh…………………they’ve got spirit (yeah, we’ll stick with spirit), yes they do…

IMG_6261 Halloween soup (yum) and breadsticks (also yum) at Aunt Tera’s…

IMG_6283 The biggest night of Zorro’s year, getting to join in on the trick-or-treat-orama…


Swashbuckling Morgan and her buds ready for a night of tricks and treats…

**and at the very moment that I type, they are candy counting/trading/wheeling/dealing in the front room, it’s all very intense, very precise, and very exciting...**

Kendell and her buds called for Paul to come pick them up so they wouldn’t have to go past a scary yard again on the next street over, Kylie worked it for 143 “treats” in her ruby red slippers, Cael told the kids that came to our door “I like your costume!!  Happy Halloween!!”  Curtis put on a Harry Potter movie for me (we must have ambiance) and then went downstairs to watch some baseball.   Paul removed the bb’s that were glued to his forehead (he completely committed to his duck hunting look—hey, go big or go home), and I ended up with an orange and black apron that I l-o-v-e!!  All in all, I think we’ve had the full All Hallow’s Eve experience…


Kristine Robinson said...

I think you have the cutest family ever! Love that Morgan . . .