Sunday, December 6, 2009

Trees a Trimming, Birthday Girl a Grinning…

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This week started out so nice—the cute Young Women of our ward have been working on a tree for the “Festival of Trees” all year, and Monday was set-up day.  (People decorate the trees to be auctioned off with all of the proceeds going to benefit Primary Children’s Hospital.)  A couple of us lucky moms were needed to transport these tree-trimming girlies and so we just had to check out all of the festively fantastic sights and sounds!   Such lovely, creative, clever, sweet, gorgeous, gingerbready, piney, touch your heart,  Christmasy things to experience—I highly recommend it…

IMG_6480 And then this little lady had to go and turn 13!!  Morgan has been highly anticipating the usage of the new bedding that was specially selected just for her, by her!  It is peppy and fun, just like my December birthday beauty, Miss Morgan!!

IMG_6508And what could be better than getting some face time with Kris Kringle??  Cael had been talking about this meet and greet for a good week, but then got a little bashful when it was time for the real deal—I do believe he managed to put in his request for a Haunted Mansion scooter and a Splash Mountain t-shirt.  Santa may have his work cut out for him, I’m not entirely certain that those North Pole elves do a lot of work on Haunted Mansion scooters—I’m not so sure the demand is super high…


And if you are me, and it just so happens that I am indeed me (so deep) things are looking up because the Christmas story books for the sweet Relief Society sisters of my ward are all d-o-n-e,  DONE!!  I do love Christmas stories, I love reading sweet Christmas stories, hearing sweet Christmas stories, Christmas is such a lovely time of year.  Andy Williams thinks it’s the most wonderful time of the year, and I for one think he’s definitely onto something-- I will joyfully be on that bandwagon/toboggan/flexible flyer…


Kim said...

Thanks for all you do, the story book is cute and I always enjoy having a copy of the stories for myself.

kthom said...

Oh to finally see the fantastic, the BOOKs...LOVE them,(why can't we have that kinda stuff in my RS?) and the BEdding...perfect for Ms. Mogoo. Where would someone like me get my hands on a tree topper like those crazy red ball thingys..? Those would be so great...ideas?

Kristine Robinson said...

I love reading your blog - you are the cutest/funnest/loving-est person I know! And I absolutely, totally, completely adore your wonderful 13 year-old girl!

Becca said...

you've been busy!!! there has to be like 50 books int hat basket! Rock star status for sure!

Alison said...

Looks like the holidays are in full swing! Those lucky RS sisters...the gifts look fabulous! Can I pick your brain in the new year reguarding RS. I am trying to learn how to do your job here in my ward...TRYING is the key word! I'd love to hear how you run the zoo.