Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Parallel Universe…


Says Cael:  “My mom likes to go to Disneyland.”

Says Mom: “That’s right, Cael, I am your mom and I do like to go to Disneyland.”

Says Cael: “No, my other mom.”

Says Mom:  “You have another mom?”

Says Cael:  “Yes, I have another mom and her name is Kristie.”

Says Mom:  “You have this mom, Kirsten, and another mom named Kristie?”

Says Cael:  “Yep, and my other mom likes to go to Disneyland and buy me suckers.  I have another dad, too.”

Says Mom:  “Who is your other dad?”

Says Cael:  “His name is Paul.”

Says Mom:  “That is your dad’s name…”

Says Cael:  “Yep, and my other dad is named Paul, too.  And he likes to go to Disneyland.”

Says Mom:  “So you have one mom, Kirsten, and another mom named Kristie, and two dads both named Paul?”

Says Cael:  “Yep, and my other mom loves to buy me suckers at Disneyland.”

I must admit to some emotional confusion--I’m not sure if I should be insulted or intrigued, or if I should really accept that this child is clearly suffering from severe sucker-deprivation.  (He is right on the money about his regular mom not buying him a lot in the way of suckers, though.)   Hmmm…this is the same kiddo that just informed me that he would like some fishy crackers tomorrow for “Kids Day” because today is “Father’s Day” and since I gave him the “every day is kids day” line and he is a kid, he would like some fishy crackers.  For Kid’s Day.  And his other mom would love to buy him a sucker… 


House of Smiths said...

OH my word! Look how adorable your family is!
I love your little boys convo with you! Too sweet :)

It was really nice to meet you too! It's so fun to meet people in person, and not just see them on a computer screen :)

Thanks for commenting!


Stacy said...

Just let him know that Children's day is on May 5th. International Children's Day is on November 20th. That was a cute conversation....I don't buy suckers either.

Kristine Robinson said...

Giggle, giggle. Funny, I had a similar conversation about every day being kids day!

Emily Hyte said...

Well, if that other mom buys him suckers, you should feel lucky he spends any time with you then! Everyday IS kids day! And I think just about every Sunday is father's day (especially during football season...)