Friday, October 3, 2008

October is here!!

1 Miss Kendell
1 Speedy Green Scooter
1 Scrapey Face, 1 Scrapey Knee, & lots of good sportsmanship points...
(too bad about the brand-new leggings she was wearing that are now shredded, good thing they were a red hot super clearance bargain buy, and if I knew how to link to a certain post on Kari's blog, I could show you the same injury on Cousin Jack this summer from the same speedy green scooter; we'll try to be done with the scooter injuries...)

Kendell queries, "What kind of parents go to the zoo without their children?" It is a completely valid question, to which the answer is "the kind of lucky duck parents that have only 2 tickets (compliments of the dad's employer) to a swanky business buffet that happens to be held at the zoo." Did you know they did catering at the zoo? I did not, but now I absolutely do- we are truly so wild and crazy...
Paul braved the "smell here" area, but perhaps the supposed "special rhino fragrance" is like a high-pitched whistle that can only be heard by certain animals?? -We weren't privvy to this swell stench, so sad...
There were 3 giraffes out when we got here, but I guess 2 of them didn't want to pose with me. The third one wasn't fast enough to get out of the frame, maybe if I would've been decked out in khaki from head to knee...
And last, but certainly not least, Zander and Mr. Cael love their awesome new trick-or-treat buckets/ hats! The lady at the store said Cael could pick one out as a bonus, but when he just couldn't part with either the mummy or Dracula, the lady said he was fine to take both of them, whew! It is supposed to storm tomorrow, so at least the boys can keep their festive Halloween heads nice and dry...


The Milner Web Page said...

OMG! That looks like it hurts!

I was flipping through different blogs and found yours.
My blog of my family is


kthom said...

# 1- what are the chances...same scooter, same scrapey face, same family?
#2- Smell the gross smell thingys are so up PG's ally
#3- LUUUUUV the orange bag, it turned out fantastic, at least the part I can see under your armpit.
Love to you all!

Alison said...

Hi Kir! I love your bag. Very cute. (and I also like your blue top...Khaki is nice too though.)
I remember when I was young taking a spill on a BIG WHEEL (is that even possible?...) and ended up with a hole in my fav outfit. My face didn't have any scrapes though. Hope Kendell recovers quickly.

The Texas Links said...

OUCH!! Hopefully she's not mentally scarred and will get on the scooter again.
Zoo without kids? Never have even thought about it--but what a great idea. Next date....

By the your blog. This is actually the first time I've looked at it. Byron's been here before and told me it was cute. You get a spot on the fave list.