Sunday, August 3, 2008

Saturday, in the Park

These kids get the "good sport" award for wearing their smiles (most of the way) at the Madsen Reunion! It was definitely warm outside, but Aunt Carol kept passing out the Creamies, so Cael was great, which translates that the rest of us were great, too...
We were so glad to have Curits with us- he was away at Scout Camp all week and they weren't supposed to get home until Saturday morning. However, when a giant fire began traveling up the mountain to where they were on Friday afternoon, the scouts had to evacuate with only what they had on or had with them. (This is not fun to watch on the news when you know your child is somewhere aournd there and the planes and helicopters are zooming in dropping the fire retartant stuff.) Curtis was pleased that he wasn't swimming at the time of the evacuation, because those boys did just have swimsuits to go home in! Curtis was also wearing shoes, which was a bonus, because his group boys had been ready to go fishing barefoot (note to self-shoes are almost always a super idea)...They had to leave all of their gear up there and hope for the best and then lucky Paul and the other scout leaders got to go up on Saturday and retrieve the stuff. The stuff is all fine, but sorry Paul, no Madsen reunion for you this time around...