Saturday, September 12, 2009

Not Too Shabby for a Saturday in September…

IMG_5142 The day started out warm and wonderful with Curtis’ team playing some fierce and fantastic football!!  They are 2-0 this season and I see nothing wrong with just calling it good right now…

IMG_5144 And as if great football wasn’t enough, I got to go meet and greet/ stand shoulder to shoulder with my close personal friend (you can see the photographic evidence of just how tight we are), fabulous fabric and pattern designer extraordinaire, Heather Bailey!  She came to one of my favorite places ever, The Material Girls Quilts, in South Jordan, and could not have been more gracious, pleasant, delightful…

IMG_5145 I met a new friend, Becca,  in line -- she took my glamour shots and I returned the favor.  Heather asked if we’d be interested in seeing her sketch book—um, yes, I’d like that very much!!  The creative process is rather fascinating to me.  She keeps her sketch book with her all the time and draws whenever something strikes her –I do love her style and her sketches were beautiful. 

I’d already transitioned over to using my orange bag for fall, but I switched back to my red and green Heather Bailey fabric special, just for this very special occasion.  I nearly always like where I live, but sometimes I really really like where I live…


kthom said...

Hellooooooo Heather Bailey! That's so fun! I can't wait to hear the deets. Lovin the headband attached to my favorite sista! Glad you had fun. xo

Becca said...

AHHHH! Kirstin!!! Could that have been any more fun!!! You are too darling I tell ya! I was hoping you'd show up on my blog! I LOVE that shot of you in awe of the all might HB's sketch book! It's one of my favorites!!!

I was so glad I meet you! HB lovers unite!! You and your family are too cute!

Thanks for making that day that much more awesome!!! Hope to run into you a gain in person or on line!! take care my new friend!!


Emily said...

Ok, don't fall over Kirstin, but...... Heather grew up with me- girl's camp, high school, same ward, our families were friends, yada yada yada... wait, maybe I told you this on a previous post?? Anyway, she is darling and so creative. Always has been. What a shock to see the two of you together in a photo! I forget sometimes how famous she is, hehe!
I just wish I had been there. :)


Alison said...

I have been checking out her stuff and I LOVE it! There is a store about an hour from here that carries her fabric...I just may have to make the trip!