Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Hoopla

So here we are for the annual photo of the costumed cousins!! Cael had had quite enough of the Buzz Lightyear suit (we're just happy he hadn't had enough of clothes, in general) and so he was the orange t-shirted happy cousin...

Mr. Curtis was "partly cloudy with a chance of rain"...

Please tell me that you see a platter of pumpkins here...

The lucky duck Jr. High kids had a day off on Halloween, so Curtis got to come see the Costume Parade at the elementary school. (Notice my good friend, Captain Jack there on my left- a kindergartner stopped in front of us and said "Oh! It's Johnny Depp!!" Yes indeed, Johnny is quite something...)

And Mr. Curtis can now check this one of of his "life list"--he got to carve a puking pumpkin, an absolute dream come true!! He knew his jack-o-lantern was a total success when one of our first trick-or-treaters came by and said "that pumpkin looks like he's throwing up!" Right on...