Saturday, November 8, 2008

November Nuggets...

Translation: game is going very well (we like these kind of games)...

Loved the beautiful fall day with the crunchy crunchy leaves (not to be confused with regular crunchy)...

Love the supportive sisters-- especially those sporting smiles and striped earrings...

So thankful for siblings with special linguistic skills-Cael was asking for a show about a chocolate chip, and while it sounded tasty, I had no idea what he was talking about. Super sister Morgan came to the rescue with her translation--"Alvin and the Chipmunks meet Frankenstein!" She was right on the money-how did the mother not come up with that one??

No, this is not a refugee tent village in a faraway foreign land, it is our brand-new Chick-Fil-A with the first 100 customers (over age 18) getting ready to stay the night with their official wrist bands on so they can be there for the roll call every hour until 6 am when they each get to receive a little box that holds 52 free combo meal gift cards-wow!! The Goff's actually opted to stay home snug in our warm beds, but we did come to visit and bring a heater to our good friends, The Howard's and Debbie V., who arrived at 11:30 am and then spent an awesome afternoon, night, and early morning (they know how to commit) in the snow and now can enjoy chicken nuggets, chicken sandwiches, and fountain drinks throughout the year. They completely earned their bounty on the coldest night of the season...Way to be, guys-can I get a what-what??


kthom said...

Oh I'm laughing out loud! Stripey earrings, crunchy/crunchy leaves, CHIPmunks translations...and of course Chick fillet or however its spelled. Good stuff. Will they share in their bounty?? A heater has got to be worth at least a sandwich and soda!