Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More Summer Loves...

We totally L-O-V-E swimming, especially with fun friends, and we love to take turns with the pink goggles...

We love getting together with our cute birthday cousin, Aspen, and eating cupcakes and having fun...

The mom of the crew completely L-O-V-E-S "outside" haircuts, with the accompanying "outside" haircut clean-up methods that the dad of the crew comes up with...

Who doesn't love some serious tennis?? Kylie absolutely has the proper form down and Morgan just hopes to get her hands on a racquet...

We love our super buddy, Breaunna, in the summer and all throughout the entire year...

Brotherly piggyback rides from the dutiful big bro, Curtis, for the (still)Wall-E shirt-wearing little guy, Cael, are always a hit...


kthom said...

O.K.....LUUUUUUUUUV the skirts, those have to be Kirsten originals. They are even cuter than I imagined, where ever they came from...cute girlie cousins. Totally looking forward to swimming in the pool, Gardner village (what's with the boots everywhere?) and maybe some tennis for me. I'm up for anything!!! Love my Goffs!

Alison said...

Yay! I'm so excited you are blogging now! I just love it! Eases the guilt of not scapbooking like I should and such a great way to keep up with family and friends...I wish everyone would keep one. I'm glad you are! I'm excited to keep up with the Goff Shots! ;)
Thanks for the b-day greeting. =) It is good to be 36.
Also, so glad you hopped out of the bike lane and were safe. Yikes! Fun summer pics! CUTE kids! I can't believe how big they are getting ALREADY?!!

Alison said...

Yes, those skirts are DANG cute!

The Texas Links said...

Hey it's cousin Byron (and Tammy). We saw your blog on Alison's and thought we would do a little blog stalking. Good to see you are doing well and that your kids are all pretty cute. Blogging is a good way to keep in touch.

Byron, Tammy, and the Texas Links.