Thursday, July 10, 2008


So this morning started out regular enough-I got up to run and had my tunes adjusted where I wanted them. It was nice outside, about 80 degrees, and there were plenty of people out and about on bikes, on foot, etc. There is a wide bike lane on my road of choice and since there were people already on the sidewalk, I opted for the bike lane. I was running fine (well, okay, but it's always super fine when I'm done...) and had passed the people going the other way and I just had a fleeting thought that I should get up on the sidewalk, so I did. About 1 minute later, a work truck with lots of construction supplies on board came cruising down the road with a 12'-14' 2x4 that had come loose from one of the two side loops it was supposed to be connected to, so basically the truck was going about 45 mph dragging a very large perpendicular pole at an angle in his lane and completely through the bike lane! I was running east and the truck came up from behind me going east and I don't think the driver had any idea that the board had come loose until it scraped up against the curb and shattered/splintered completely in half (well, more like 1/3, 2/3)! It was freaky to see and even freakier to know that I had just been in that bike lane a minute earlier. I really like having legs that work and I think that having those legs swept from behind by a 2x4 would've been not so great. I am so thankful for sidewalks and little (and big) promptings...


kthom said...

HELLLOOOOOOO-nice job following those promptings, scary stuff. Did the driver ever stop and see the madness that he was hauling? CArazy! Glad you are safe and sound and fast!XOXO