Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm available for parties...

Backyard haircuts (in the chilly autumn "breeze") just work out great for all parties involved!! I really seem to have quite a way with the scissors and I do think I have found my true calling-at least everyone leaves with a smile on their face...


Stacy said...

I'm happy you reported that everyone leaves with a smile. I sure hope your sons turned out that way. Can I bring Cameron over? He is in need of a cut too.

kthom said...

So is that what I've been missing...a trip out in the breezy breeze to trim the boys hair? As long as I'd still get the screaming, flayling, and snooty nose drippings mixed with hair...but do it OUTside...I'm in. Riddle me effecitve are the scissors with an uncooperative 3 year old? Does the picture (which I loved) tell me all I need to know? I'm tellin ya....clippers baby! Shave 'em up and be done with it.

Jen Paris said...

hey, I found your blog! VERY cute! Can I add you to my friend list on my blog? (mine is private, but send me an email if you want an invite!) :) Jen Paris

The Milner Web Page said...

I am so glad that I don't have to worry about doing things like that (with scissors). Having girls, we can just let it grow to the floor if they want. It's up to them when they want a trim. LOL


Cassie Jensen said...

I feel like I already know you through Kari. I just have to ask... Do they leave smiling or do they RUN away (so fast you can't determine the facial expression)? Because my little guy is definately not smiling. And also, nice job with the scissors. I would probably loose an ear or two if I tried it without the clippers.