Monday, October 20, 2008

Simple Joys (fall edition)

So this first one is the farthest thing from a "joy"- I was chatting with a friend at church yesterday outside of the nursery, as Mr. Cael had no interest in attending and playing with his peers, whatever...Cael basically stayed in my pocket, but then ventured right across the hall to the bathrooms where he got his fingers caught in the hinge side of the bathroom door-OUCCCHHHHH!! His poor little fingers looked "not good," but fortunately with some cold running water and serious TLC and the good fortune (??) of being squished between his knuckles instead of on his knuckles (eeww), he is on the mend and is going to make a full recovery! Amazingly, or not amazingly, his biggest concern after the initial painful shock of squishy and tears, was to peel the loose skin off of the back of his dented fingers. He had to do that immediately so that he could continue to live on this planet (maybe just a little OCD??)...

This is the good stuff here-3 year old humor is the best!! These 2 could not have been more pleased with themselves and their clever use of Mr. PotatoHead props (fyi- we've got Darth Tater and Donald Duck going on here)!! It's pure comedic gold...

This absolutely makes my fall!! We have been waiting 4 long years for our burning bush to burn....

This is the "did she actually mean to take a picture of that?" shot and she actually did- this is my new ironing board cover that I did this weekend, compliments of cute Nadine at Material Girls Quilts(thanks Nadine!!). I was a winner of a blog comment contest she did and I do love my ironing board! This was a fun and quick little project-I still don't really want to use the iron, though...


kthom said...

EEEUUUW, sorry about the squishy fingers. If only he knew that he wouldn't get squished fingers in nursery. Runny noses, and pink eye, yes, squished fingers -no. Love the ironing board!!! Way to post a great comment.