Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Here's the rundown--March is such a lovely month, and an especially lovely month if you happen to be a girl with a birthday (that's me), an anniversary (also me), and the birthdays of lots of other delightful personal faves..March is definitely a good time to be me!! This year, we even had a few days where it wasn't totally snowing--bonus!!

Uncle Jens came through town, always a niece (and nephew) fave--especially when he sports Gramma Jan's complete favorite shirt (she may not actually agree with that last statement there)...

Kylie got baptized!! She has been looking forward to this special day (one that was even Spring-like) for years!! She opted for the low ponytails in the hope that they would not float up in the water when her dad baptized her--great choice for Ky with both the hair and getting baptized as the newest member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (in our family, at least)...

Mom and Ky in the dressing room ( I promise I'm not actually up to anything here). When I met her to get her changed out of her wet clothes, the first thing she said was, "THAT WAS AWESOME!! Can I do it again??" And now, she really feels like she's eight--and hey, it's great to be eight!!

This is a whew, I can't believe it and I am so thankful--our darling Gramma Jan flew down for Kylie's special day and rented a car that she drove to visit her sister. Morgan, Kendell, and Kylie tagged along, as did a Nintendo DS. The DS in question was not realized to be missing until Gramma Jan had turned in the car and flown all the way back to the Evergreen State. After some very sickish feelings in some stomachs, an answering machine message to Hertz Rental cars, not to mention some prayers and preparation to learn a very expensive lesson, we were shocked to get a call this morning to let us know they had the item in question and we could come pick it up!! Paul, the all-star dad brought the DS home, and hopefully it will just STAY there...(thanks Hertz!!)


JenL said...

What a fun weekend...and thank goodness for honest people!

kthom said...

Oh I do love that 8 year old and her cute baptism day picture with her dad...so cute. Mom told me the DS story and I totally was waiting for the sad, knew that would happen..sorta ending. I am shocked and pleasantly surprised. Will you make her tie it around her neck next time? Maybe a fanny pack? XO

Alison said...

What a busy month for you guys! Happy birhtdays, anniversary and baptism day! Very cute pictures! =)

Shawna B. said...

Whew! A lost DS would be truly tragic. We don't even own one, but I have heard my boys speak of them in almost reverent tones, and I know what a kid treasure they are! Way to go, Hertz!

Sounds like the baptism was wonderful. I love that you took a picture of you and your beautiful daughter in the dressing room. Of course you weren't up to anything, you were just recording the day for posterity. :) You will be forever glad you took that picture. Good choice on the low ponytails. I went with "Princess Leia buns" above my ears for my big day. Also worked well.

My Curtis will be getting baptized in about three weeks, and I am so looking forward to this special day.

Hey - fun news! Our number four baby is a BOY! Another boy for the Borgs! We are thrilled! It's perfect for us, and already I envision calling my little group of four "The Fearsome Foursome." Huh? What do you think? Because they most certainly will be fearsome with another brother in the mix!

I am rambling. :)