Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!

Yes!! The most wonderful time of the year is here!! The time when those thoughtful, industrious people at the M&M/Mars Company produce, package, and deliver these lovely little delicacies to Target and not only do I get to purchase them (with a cheery smile on my face)--I get to eat them!! It was last year (I think) when I picked up a package and was expecting the same tasty minty version of the regular plain M&M's as the bag was opened on the drive home fromthe store. Not only were they bigger, cuter, and tastier than before, they were/are all the way around fantastic!! And now they are back on store shelves!! Hooray for me/ I'll have to get "more running" on my list...
**Disclaimer--if you are not a fan on mint, perhaps you may like the M&M's with almonds (yum) or with peanut butter (also yum), and you can never go wrong with the classic peanut and plain. If you are not a chocolate person, you may be able to get Kari to share some Nibs with you...

So here's the lemon part--Cael, Zander, and I were up at the school media center (uh, library) to see Miss Kylie receive a "Principal's Pride" award for her fantastic report on bats (did you know that a bat could die from being startled out of a deep sleep? I probably should do more of a thorough fact-check before I start tossing out nuggets like that one...). It was getting a little lengthy and Kylie was toward the back of the recipient group. I was attempting to entertain the 3-year-olds with fabulous literature and "Cars"-shaped Teddy Grahams when poor little Zander got a little sick and tossed his cookies, literally. We did see Kylie receive her award and notified the lucky maintainance man, Sean. We got home, had another round of cookie tossing, freshened up with a bath and jammies. Cael was thrilled to get to wear "empathy pajamas" and eat popsicles--best day of his life!! Even better, it turns out that our bar stools work great as a choo-choo train, that's the lemonade...

Good times getting together with ou Madsen cousins this weekend!! Lots of hugs and 2 questions--1.) Could it be that Cael is in pajamas again? and 2.) Could we get more things magneted to our fridge??


JenL said...

I discovered the evil Mint M&M's last year too. And as a matter of fact, I bought 2 bags at Target yesterday, because (and only because) they were on sale. I haven't opened them yet, because if I do, I'm in big trouble!

kthom said...

empathy jammies and a popsicle, classic Cael. I do think of you when the m&ms go festive. Have you ever ventured out into the world of peppermint/cherry Hershey kisses (not to be confused with Butterfly kisses) -o.k. I know it's late when I;m laughing to myself all alone in here hoping you'll think I'm as funny as I think I am.

Kim said...

I didn't even know they made mint m&m's but two of my favorites mint and chocolate! Can life get any better? I'll put them on my list, pretty sure my bag will be opened on the way home also. Thanks for sharing!

Emily Hyte said...

So, I also have a million things magneted (is that a word?) to my fridge. Drives the hubby crazy! Love it!